Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Incident

The day before Lilliana officially started school was quiet the busy one. She had a lemonade party at school to meet her teachers, the other kids, and get to know where things are in her classroom. It was a great introduction to her new school. Luckily there are a few kids at this school who were at her old preschool so it makes the transition a little bit easier.

Now onto the incident. Later that afternoon a friend asked me to come over to her house so that she could pick-up one of her kids from school. One of her other kids was arriving by bus any time and someone needed to be at home. So she asked me to be there. So my two and two other kids hung out at her house while we waited for the bus. The kids went out to the backyard to play. Not more than 3 minutes later Lilliana starts crying so I go outside to check it out. She's holding her head and just ask she starts to walk to me, blood starts to drip from her hands. She of course starts to freak out. I get her inside and grab a bunch of paper towels to help stop the bleeding. And wouldn't you know it right at that minute the bus arrives!! I'm starting to sweat bullets now! Ok I tell Lilliana to hold the towel to her head and I rush out to get Ryan. My son Mark follows me outside and starts to freak out when he sees me get on the bus (thinking I was leaving without him). Ryan is now also crying. Ok grab Ryan and bring Mark back inside. Back to Lilliana...she has a one inch gash in her forehead. This is gonna need stitches. Oh did I mention this happened with a metal golf club. Yes she was kneeling behind one of the kids when they wound up to swing the club. OUCH!! Anyways I had walked over to my friend's house so I grab my phone and call Jim. Luckily he was working from home so I told him to get in my car and drive it over here so I can take Lilliana to the emergency department. I get Lilliana loaded up and off we go. There is no one in the emergency department - YES! They take us right back and have a little look. Since it's on her face I request that a plastic surgeon stitch her up. Ok no problem we just have to wait a bit. The surgeon is seeing patients at her office and will be here in about an hour. Dr. Lynd arrives and we get Lilliana ready. They had to strap her in the papoose board so she wouldn't wiggle around. Lilliana didn't really appreciate that. Dr. Lynd was very fast though and she was done in less than 5 minutes. So my little baby now has 2 stitches under the skin and 8 on top.

Here's a picture of it from the next day:


Sherree Mullen said...

Wow Heidi! What a trouper you both are. I remember when Melly was btten by a dog. I think I cried and screamed more than she did..lol. A great call to ask for the plastic sergery person. How did you know how to do that?

Heidi Pojda said...

They actually asked me, but I was going to ask for one anyways. I guess I just learned it from my mom. My family has had a few head/facial injuries so I guess I just knew what to ask for :)

Michelle said...

Oh poor thing! And poor you, too!I will have to remember that tip on the plastic surgeon. Having 3 boys, I am still suprised we have had no stiches. I just know my day is coming...

Carrie said...

Yikes! Sounds like you handled everything quite smoothly!

Glad she has a smile on. Tough girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a brave little girl and a smart mom asking for the plastic surgeon. I'm not sure I would have been so quick on my toes!

I guess Mederma will be your friend at some point. I hear they have it for kids now.

Kimi JO

Big hugs to all of you.